Thursday, May 12, 2011

Robert Saakayantz - Hey You, Talking Fish / Khosogh Dzuke (1983)

"Hayfilm Studio, cartoon (based on H.Tumanyan's tale "Talking Fish," financed by Moscow Central TV), 10min. (285m), color."


Marcel Ruijters said...

Wow! And we were told that all things surreal were deemed counter-revolutionary and decadent in the USSR...

Human Mollusk said...

Brilliant stuff. The constantly morphing an shifting devil is incredible.

Marcel Ruijters said...

I love it. How did you find this? It's funny how we were told that all surrealism was deemed decadent and counter-revolutionary in the USSR.

Aeron said...

When all else fails, type weird russian animation and you'll always be rewarded with batshit insanity.

Aeron said...

And yes, the constantly shifting devil character was absolutely fascinating.